I need some news about the developpement

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I need some news about the developpement
« on: December 09, 2020, 08:29:25 PM »
I need some informations about this scope:
I see somewhere the scope can be a web server. This function for me is very intersting because I don't want to have a cable frome the sope to my computer, even a portable machine.

I see the possibility to decode standard bus . Is this function already disponible for bus like RS232 TTL, sci, one wire, etc ?

Best regards
Thierry Vorms



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Re: I need some news about the developpement
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2020, 07:38:46 AM »
Well, you still need a  local connection to the PC. The server application can be enabled on that local PC and you can then access the hardware from remote clients.

Decoding of protocols is currently not supported, but the digital samples can be exported. It's possible to export the recorded bitstream for example to sigrok which supports many protocols for decoding.